The recent three-day workshop, "Developing Technologies Through R&D: IPR Management, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Funding" held at…

ISOP joins the webinar series on R&D Activities on sCO2 in Europe organized by ETN Global – Next Episode to take place on Monday, June 12th
ETN Global is a non-profit membership association bringing together the entire value chain of the gas turbine technology community. Through cooperative efforts and by initiating common activities and projects, ETN encourages and facilitates information exchange and cooperation to accelerate research, development, demonstration, and deployment of safe, secure and affordable carbon-neutral energy solutions by 2030.
ETN Global is a partner of the ISOP consortium and is also participating in other large consortia in Europe working on the development of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Systems and on other low-carbon (or carbon-neutral) technologies. One of such projects is CO2OLHEAT, coordinated by ETN Global, which aims to demonstrate (at TRL7) the operation of a 2 MW Waste-Heat-to-power (WH2P) skid based on a 2MW-sCO2 cycle, able to efficiently valorize local waste heat at a significant temperature of 400°C in a heavy industrial facility.
ETN Global has been organizing a series of webinars on sCO2 technologies in the last year. The first Episode introduced the portfolio of large projects under development in Europe. The second Episode delved into sCO2 compressor design and operational challenges. The third Episode focused on recuperative heat exchanger design and, the last one, will put primary heat exchangers under the spotlight. This fourth Episode will be held on Monday June 12th.
Being the last one arriving into the sCO2 arena in Europe, ISOP has joined the organization of these webinars, which are the best means to get acquainted with the technology. Do not miss this opportunity to find out the latest developments in the area. The event is free but prior registration to it is needed; you can register here: LINK. A flyer with information about the speakers is also available here: DOWNLOAD
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